September 4, 2018
This is OUR RUN!
With all the changes for the 2019 Memorial Marathon, there's no better time to sign up to run!
September 3, 2018
2018 Memorial Marathon Winners
The 2018 Memorial Marathon winners worked hard to get to the Finish Line and tell us everyone who runs this race is a winner.
August 29, 2018
Help Us Change the Course of OKC!
As our city continues to change, we are asking you to join us in Changing the Course of OKC.
August 20, 2018
Early Bird Registration Opens August 29th!
Early bird pricing for the 2019, Memorial Marathon opens on August 29th!
June 12, 2018
Kids Marathon Awards
Cleveland Elementary in Norman was recognized today for having the highest number of student participants in the Memorial Kids Marathon.