June 25, 2024
It’s the 25th year of the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon! Keep Running to Remember by signing up today to celebrate on April 25 – 27! Register for one or more of our six different races. You can choose from the Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K, Senior or Kids Marathon and introducing the Quarter Marathon!
25 Hours of Rewards
Sign up for any of the six races within the first 25 hours and be entered into a drawing for an exclusive VIP package that includes:
- 2 round trip tickets from one 48 states (hopefully to be used for travel to Marathon weekend)
- VIP pick up and drop off at the airport Marathon weekend
- Marathon Green Rimowa suitcase
- 3 nights suite at the Omni-host hotel
- 26.2 Finish Line Tent access
- Dinner with Marathon Legends on Friday Night of Race Weekend
- 2 placements in Corral A for 2025 OKC Memorial Marathon
- 2 free registrations for 2026 OKC Memorial Marathon
Winner must be at least 18 years of age.
There’s more! Want a free registration? Join the hunt at noon today to find 25 hidden boxes at unique landmarks along the 26.2 Marathon course.
Inside each box you will find a promo code that must be redeemed within the first 25 hours of registration opening.